Rémi Ouellette Blog #1


            Hello, my name is Rémi, and today I will be writing my first entry on my new blog. I have always loved science and mathematics, and that's why I'm interested in becoming an engineer after I'm done with cégep. This will be the subject of my blog. This week, I read the Bioengineering admission page on the McGill website and this blog post will be related to it. In fact, the engineering field that interests me the most is Bioengineering.

My source for this post:



            Bioengineering is one of the newest engineering fields. In Canada, one of the only places where one can study to become a bioengineer is McGill University. There are prerequisites if one wants to be accepted in the undergraduate program which are the basic natural science classes. Also, in the last three years, the person with the lowest “R-Score” that was accepted in this program had 34,5. So, applicants must have good results in cégep if they want to be accepted. As for what they learn, bioengineers become proficient in using living systems as their inspiration to create and design artificial ones. These systems can be used in various fields like materials science, tissue engineering, in biomedical devices, and many more. It is a fast-growing discipline. Also, students learn to make connections between basic engineering principles and biology. This leads to them gaining a good mathematics, physics, and chemistry background. As for careers options, they are very diverse because students learn about diverse scientific topics. From working in the pharmaceutical industry to working in agricultural biotechnology, and many more, bioengineers have many options to choose from. Also, McGill is proud to share that its Bioengineering program is unique and gives students the opportunity of being immersed in a multidisciplinary environment, and that they will use various scientific concepts.

Image sources:
McGill logo
Bioengineering diagram

My opinion

          By reading this source, it is possible to realize that Bioengineering is the future because it is used in so many disciplines. This is my opinion because a degree in Bioengineering grants access to a plethora of careers. Bioengineers will develop drugs, vaccines, find cures for diseases and solve problems like climate change. Man’s goal has always been to improve the quality of life which is possible with bioengineering. For example, we need climate engineers to do something about environmental changes to assure that humans continue to live on Earth. That way, we will not need a second planet to survive. Furthermore, not only do bioengineers work on enhancing the human life, but they also work on saving it. For example, they can work on neurodegenerative diseases. That is why I think Bioengineering is an amazing field. In fact, unlike other engineering fields where the focus is to develop new technologies or work in industries to make more money, bioengineers’ goal is to help the human. As it is said in the online page, Bioengineering is a fast-growing field. That is why I think that they will shape the world of tomorrow with their knowledge on genetics, chemistry, biophysics, and cellular biology.


Who are the four professors mentioned in the source?


  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. Hi it's Laeticia Beauregard and i will comment your post!

  3. First of all, the four mentioned doctors in the source are Amine Kamen, Yu Xia, Dan Nicolau, Georgios Mitsis and they instruct the new students in this field of study. This blog was promotional to the bioengineering program at McGill University since the writer projects his desire to become a part of it. He introduces all the positive aspects of the new field and describes what it could provide to the society in the near future. The blogger then exposes his opnion on why it is extremely important that we consider the place of Bioengineering in our lives making the blog promotional to the program. What I understand of this source is that it is a very recent way of exploring the universe and its multiple systems. I mean, it covers the fields of ¨the pharmaceutical, medical device, healthcare, bioenergy, and agricultural biotechnology sectors¨ and using them to contribute to the world in a positive way. It would even be a possibility to treat diseases that used to seem impossible to cure like neurodegenerative diseases. Also, McGill University is the only one in Canada to put the emphasis on the biology and engineering aspect of it, so an extremely unique program to attend. I totally agree with the blogger. Even though I am not intrigued by sciences, I think the way the program is built ; in a multidisciplinary environment, can do a lot for the Earth in many different ways, but always with the goal of helping humans.

  4. Great comment! Make sure to identify your quote.


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